Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Say Say Oh Playmate

I spent time at the Science Museum today and my heart was happy when I stopped focusing on the exhibit around me and watched the people instead. Playing on the ground near me, were three people with hand puppets: two little girls of different races and an adult who appeared to be their nanny. They each were wearing a doll of a different race on their hands.

One doll was named Molly and Molly wanted to join as the others were playing the sing-song hand-clap game of 'Say Say Oh Playmate.' And as these little voices sang "... and we'll be jolly friends, forever more...," I was happy. Because these little girls will grow up in a future where they are not scared of racial differences. And maybe they didn't learn anything new from the stats and facts of the RACE exhibit, but they learned that a Korean, Guatemalan, and Kenyan can all be jolly friends.

Contributed by Catie.

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