Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer Snow

Mowing my lawn is a relatively recent development for me. I have now been mowing lawns for 2 years and 3 months. Prior to this other people mowed my lawn. My dad, my grandpa, my husband dutifully mowed and mowed and mowed. For the most part I accept this new task semi-grudgingly and do my best to keep things tidy.

Recently, however, the dandelions in my lawn went on a fantastic growing spree. They were everywhere and they were huge. Fortunately, I live in the country and no one goes crazy when my lawn looks bad. I did finally decide to take care of my dandelions though and set to mowing. As I mowed down my gigantic field of dandelions something wonderful happened. All of the fuzz from the thousands of dandelions in my yard started to float up and around me as I mowed. It was thick, white, and fluffy. In the early summer sunshine I had the most beautiful snow of the year.

Contributed by Sarah.

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