Friday, March 7, 2008

Filthy Mess

A few days ago, a guest speaker from the Delaware State Parks' Service came to our NCCC all-Corps community meeting. He said something I found to be very moving.

"There are going to be times guys, when you're going to want to go out to eat after a hard day's work and you're going to walk into a restaurant and all eyes are going to turn on you. And then, you're going to look down at your clothes, your uniform, and you'll realize why people are staring; you are a filthy mess."

"You'll be embarrassed. You'll be tempted to just turn around and walk out. I'm here to tell you, don't. Don't walk out. Hold your head high."

"You've earned each one of those stains. The caulk on your shirt from that house you rebuilt in Louisiana. That dirt on your pants from that trail you built in a State Park. That paint from the community center you remodeled. That sauce-stain from those early mornings working in the kitchen at Camp Hope making meals for hundreds of volunteers. That stain, I don't know what you call it, that dingy stain that shows up on your stomach that comes from the months of carrying things--children, lumber, sheet rock."

"You're going to notice all these stains and you're going to want to walk out of that restaurant, that clean and comfortable place. Don't. They aren't stains. They're your badges of service. Hold your head high and walk in and sit down and enjoy yourself. And if they keep staring, smile back."

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