Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Exotic Blue Ivy

As our team walked back to our van after spending the morning at an AmeriCorps symposium in Annapolis, somebody pointed out a sprig of poison ivy growing along the sidewalk. This reminded our team leader, Sarah, of a story she wanted to share.

"At the summer camp I worked at, the guy in charge of the grounds decided he was going to mark all the poison ivy so the kids wouldn't get in it. So he sprayed all the poison ivy plants he could find with bright blue spray paint. Only, he didn't tell anybody he did this. So one day, while out on a nature hike, a couple of my kids come running up to me, yelling my name, all excited to show me a bouquet of these exotic blue plants they found. Their parents were not happy." Sarah laughed. "Murphy's Law, right?"

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