Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Neon Silly String

I spotted this article on Yahoo! News on 12/6/06 and promptly forwarded it on for it to be trashed by all. Mom Marcella Shriver from the Philadephia area has been collecting 1,000 cans of this plastic goop to be flown to the Middle East thanks to two churches and a pilot.

Her son stationed in Iraq related to her that before entering a building, troops squirt the plastic goo, which can shoot strands about 10 to 12 feet across the room. If it falls to the ground, no trip wires. If it hangs in the air, they know they have a problem. The wires are otherwise nearly invisible.

In an age of multimillion-dollar high-tech weapons systems, sometimes it's the simplest ideas that can save lives.

Something small, silly and...beautiful neon colors!

Contributed by Ann.

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